Sunday, December 4, 2011

12-4-11 Random

Haven't blogged in here goes some random stuff...

Omg it's almost 2012   (and today in my Grandma's birthday!! Happy birthday G!!!)    [yep I call my grandma, G.]

Courting Trouble- Deeanne Gist
Deep in the Heart of Trouble- Deeanne Gist
A Tailor-Made Bride- Karen Witemeyer
To Win Her Heart- Karen Witemeyer
These are books I have read over the semester. All really good cute love stories... lame, I know.

Favorite things right now:
-Pinterest- lots of cute ideas on there
-Puppy chow
-melted crayon art. -- made a few things, I will put up pictures later.
-Gray-Silver-black nail polish WITH Glitter!!!
-messy hair (oh wait, that's always my favorite)

Well.... I have way too much to do before finals (next week) Excited and nervous for this semester to be over. Student teaching next semester and sooo much to do before then. But I thought I'd take a blogging break. Keep calm and just graduate, sounds like a good mantra...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Boring Friday much?

So it's a boring lonely friday night with no roommates....
Nah, it's not that boring, I have lots of movies and knitting and reading and snacks. =] yay homework tomorrow. def. tomorrow... 
so one funny thing... my movie list to get from the library today- began with Breakfast at Tiffany's and included Die Hard, Princess Bride, Beverly Hills Cop and I also ended up with Batman Begins and Robin Hood Men in Tights.... man, I'm weird but it's fun, I like weird. lol 

Soooo.... time for a lot of random stuff in a boring friday blog right?
I made this. A roommate found this thing online about making coasters from folded up and rolled magazine pages. I took that idea and made it a broach. yay...

OMG best present ever!!! (well recently... I get lost of good presents... not bragging...that sounds braggy but I just have awesome ppl in my life that love me and get me good presents.... lol well...enough of that... =] Thanks dad

and wow, seriously... coolest nail polish ever... Magnetic nail polish... look it up its cool. Thank Bette for getting us some. My sisters and I got some and it is soooo awesome!!

Okay, Peace out. 
Have a fun weekend

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Random -wednesday -- 10-26-2011

Ever given your self a lecture? Like if you were to give yourself a pep talk except you are fussing at your self. haha I did that today. and the way I did was sooo funny. It was like I was a soldier (I was smiling and being silly because of a book I read. I was also at work. Don't worry, there was nothing to do.) In my head I go wipe that stupid smile off your face and get back to work. hahaha it was really funny because then I pictured my self in a line up of soldiers and I stiffened my back and frowned like I meant it. (in real life though I really did stop with the stupid smile) HAHA so funny where my head goes when i'm bored with nothing to do but think. I have another funny being bored story but I'll save that for another time ;) 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Get Some!!

Get Some. 

Get what?? 
(my eye looks creepy)
Yes, get some. This phrase has some bad connotations in some circles. But... from hanging out with my brother and his friends this summer I really like the way they use it. In any situation this phrase is quite encouraging. =]
I'm working on my homework... Yeah get some
I'm so winning this video game... Get some
(dance circle) ... get some!!
This needs to be a Get Some kinda week in all aspects. I have a lot to do for homework, laundry, work, etc... and I need to do all of this the best I can.
(I've written some so much that s-o-m-e no longer looks like the correct spelling)
(and I'm tired so idk how much of this makes sense) =]

~so remember Get Some this week!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Take note young guys...

so today...I was carrying a box/crate thing and a guy (older, 50ish) was going to open the door for me but I said I was going to the next door so he offered to open that one but it was propped open. Well that was very nice of him rarely do you get the door opened much less offered to go out of their way to open a different door. But, he didn't stop there, when the other was already open he asked if there were any other doors on my way that he could help me with... Wow... you young guys out there... take note. Seriously, very nice guy def. made my day. To put what he did in modern terms... swag. That guy def. has swag. haha

--Thank you swaggful older nice guy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nail polish-Work-Homework- w/e

Blogging... if I were to do this for real, all the time... I'd need to set aside time to do it as well as, a book of ideas.I had like three different ideas since my last blog but didn't have time to write them down so... I forget... no idea what I was going to say. Lame.
Anyways, this week has been good. Not that much homework. Picked up some hours at work therefore, better pay check. I can't wait, I'm planning a fall break trip and taking some friends home with me. yay...
So I bought new nail polish because it was only $2 on sale at ulta.and I have been wanting a nice gray and a similar green-y color... my sister has a similar color... but w/e I wanted to have this one on now

Not the best pic to see the colors. w/e... so, yes, my shirt says we're tight like spandex. haha it was my brothers middle school show choir shirt. well, that's all for now folks. 
have a good almost weekend =]

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Long Live Graffiti

Went out walking today with a roommate. Walked under a bridge (the path went that way) and there was so much graffiti. Nothing ridiculous just stuff. There is so many emotions expressed in graffiti under a bridge. Love, Hate, Peace, just to name a few. Yeah, I know graffiti is not right but some is just amazing. Some is such art and others just express so much emotion. I always wonder who it is doing the graffiti, high school kids?? Idk, that's always my first guess because (in my opinion) they are rebellious emotional wrecks lol. Well, anyways, here are some pictures I took... 


Give peace a chance...



my conclusion--graffiti- defacing property, but beautiful.
AND (random) watching the food channel late at night is bad. diners drive-ins and dives is super fabulous... but now all I can think of is bacon, meatloaf, tacos, maple bacon donuts, pulled pork, etc etc etc... and really I should just go to bed... mmmm food!!!!

Night :)
--topping anything with bacon makes it better.